We hold you in very high regard and your encouragement means heaps to us all.
Martin Wren, CEO, NOVA Employment, Australia

I appreciate you taking time away from your busy schedule to come and speak to Partners in Policymaking. My son is six years old. I had always thought the problem was the schools and never really realized it was society’s. Thank you for helping me to see a broader picture. I wish there was time to listen to more of your personal experiences and all that you’ve encountered.
Susan Johnson, Parent

Your expertise in the mental health field serves a great purpose. I’m grateful to have heard you speak.
Thank You, Larry Torrence

Your efforts will have a lasting effect on the lives of people with disabilities.
Nila Benito, Florida Blue Ribbon Task Force on Inclusive Community Living

Once again, you presentations were outstanding, overwhelmingly popular and extremely helpful.
Lynne Hernandez, NAMI

You are a breath of fresh air. Thanks for helping enthuse our board, staff and guests.
Suzanne Hutcheson, CEO, Helping People Succeed, Inc.

Dale was tremendous! What a wealth of information – all useful and relevant!

Can’t say enough wonderful things. Increibly motiving, vibrant, and his love of the people we work with was well known.

Very very knowedledgeable and a great presenter; his motivation and enthusiasm held our attention.

Awesome. Provides knowledge with energy, character, inspiration and wisdom.